Alexandre Devaux

Alexandre Devaux

Art Historian

Parisian, author, art historian, exhibition curator, iconographer, toucher and image retoucher, editorial assistant, art micro-publisher, dilettante philosopher and secret agent, Alexandre Devaux has been working for several years on the works of Roland Topor, Guy Peellaert, Gébé and Auguste de Châtillon. He has recently published a book of conversations with the artist Daniel Spoerri (Buchet-Chastel), mounted an exhibition of Chantal Petit & Roman Cieslewicz (in Poland), participated in various publications of the publishing house Les Cahiers Dessinés (Pavel Schmidt, Topor, Fournier...). His works in preparation concern the draftsman and writer Gébé and the group Panique.


Crève, Ducon!

François Cavanna|French edition
Anecdotes about the island which is Le Quartier Latin in Paris.

This volume, conceived as a sequel to Lune de miel [Gallimard, 2011], is the last book Cavanna worked on before he died. No doubt he would have made some additions or changes in detail, but it can be considered a finished work. Composed, as was Lune de miel, of fairly short chapters, the book brings together memories and anecdotes that evoke both the end of the author's life and his past (Charlie Hebdo, the S.T.O...). One finds there with happiness the cheerful gibberish of Cavanna, his big mouth, his blows of anger, his outbursts of affection, his passion for language and literature : a writer, a real one. The title takes up the last words of the text, full of rage and love of life at the moment of letting go.

Alexandre Devaux

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