Ricarda Messner

Ricarda Messner

Publisher and Curator

Ricarda Messner is a Berlin-based publisher, curator, writer and editor. At 23 she co-founded Flaneur Magazine, a world traveling independent publication that focusses on one specific street and its inhabitants in a different metropolis for each issue. So far, Flaneur has been to Berlin, Leipzig, Montréal, Rome, Athens, Moscow, São Paulo and most recently Taipei.

The Long-Winded Lady: Notes from the New Yorker

Maeve Brennan
Maeve Brennan is famous for her observations. What she sees, sad and funny, everyday and bizarre, adds up to amazing, unforgettable stories about life in the small restaurants, in the cheap hotels, in the parks and on the busy streets around Times Square and Greenwich Village.

Anyone with a special relationship with New York should read this! Between 1954 and 1981, Maeve Brennan alias The Long-Winded Lady wrote the "Talk of the Town" column for The New Yorker. This book is a collection of her essays. About the most ruthless, ambitious, confusing, funny, sad, cold and humane city.

Ricarda Messner

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